S.T.A.R.S. Testimonials
Elijah, I want thank you and the staff of the S.T.A.R.S. ENRICHMENT EOG BOOTCAMP so very much. With the hard-work and support from you and the mentors Jazmine scored all III'S on her EOG'S. I'm so proud of her. Thanks again, We look forward to next school year, now that the S.T.A.R.S. ACADEMY will be working with 9TH graders.
As parents of two beautiful and intelligent young ladies, we have tried to ensure that they are fully equipped with the necessary tools to enable them to be successful in life.
We have one child who is in the Talented Development Program and is a DUKE Tipster. Our other child is on the A/B Honor Roll yet has struggled over the years with reading. We had attempted to use several services, most of which were extremely pricey. The outcomes were moderate results with sometimes no improvement at all.
One day while at work, a co-worker sent me an email referencing the S.T.A.R.S Academy EOG Boot Camp. With the looming EOGs ahead, I immediately called Mr. Watson who thoroughly answered all of my questions and readily accepted both applications for the girls to attend the Boot Camp. Even though I work on the north side of town, twice a week I drove to the south side to pick up the girls from school; we then grabbed dinner and headed uptown to the Ivory Baker Center to participate in the EOG Boot Camp.
For months, our daughters attended class twice a week, and oddly enough, they never complained about going. In fact, they spoke quite fondly of their instructors as well as their fellow students. The teachers were dedicated and passionate about their methods. Our girls participated in several practice tests that not only took the mystery out of the EOG, but also gave them confidence going into the actual exam.
After repeating the Reading portion of the EOGs during prior years, we are proud to say that the girls’ test scores last year were either all fours (4s) or 2 – 3 points away from a 4. We all screamed and danced that day! Oh what joy! In all honesty, my daughter was slightly disappointed she did not make all 4s! Her father and I, on the other hand, were ecstatic she passed the first time!
We are very thankful for Mr. Watson, his teachers, and program. He not only emphasized the importance of reading, but he further boosted my children's self confidence. They are both now in all-honors and standard-plus classes.My daughter Raquel attended the EOG boot camp and the S.T.A.R.S. program this year. Let me start from the very beginning here. Raquel weakest subject in school is math. It has been that way since she started school. She wasn? t confident and felt she couldn? t figure math out no matter how hard she tried. In the 3rd grade she struggled even more in math. Time came for the 3RD grade EOG? s. My husband and I did all we could to help prepare her for the test. Raquel passed her reading but didn? t pass her math. She scored a 3 in reading and a 2 in math. She was allowed to re-take the math. Upon taking the math again she scored a high 2 almost a 3. The school allowed her to move on and go to the 4th grade. My husband and I were determined to find away to provide the help our daughter desperately needed in math. We wanted to make Raquel? s 4th grade year a better one for her academically. We enrolled her in the S.T.A.R.S. program. This program helped in math, science, language. She went every Saturday. We also were told about the EOG Boot Camp. This was specifically to help her get ready for the EOG? s. We enrolled Raquel into that as well. As Raquel went to the sessions, she would come home excited that she was learning and understanding what she was being taught. I saw her confidence start to build. She was starting to get it!! Time came for her to take her 4th grade EOG? s. We prayed and practiced and the time had come. I am glad to say that Raquel passed her EOG? s on the first try. What is so awesome is that although she is the strongest in reading, she scored higher in math than reading. Her math score was 345 and her reading was a 343. She was so excited! Her confidence shot to the roof!
I truly believe that the EOG Boot Camp and the S.T.A.R.S. program have made a gigantic difference in my daughter? s life. So much so that she even made the A/B honor roll for the first time this year as well. She also received a character of Hope award for her efforts and turn around in her classes, especially math. You have given my daughter so much confidence. As I write this testimonial tears run down my face. I have tears of utter joy. Raquel? s success could not have happen if it weren? t for programs like this. I thank God for you Elijah and all the teachers. The time you put in and the passion you have to help others will never be forgotten. You guys ROCK!!!!
S.T.A.R.S. Math and English Academy
The S.T.A.R.S. program......Definitely a blessing for us! We started with S.T.A.R.S. back in 2009. At the time our daughter Paris, who is a 5th grader now, was going into the 3rd grade and about to embark on the EOG? s for the first time (A very scary time for all 3rd grade parents). The S.T.A.R.S. Program assisted in getting her prepared mentally and physically for the EXAM. All of the drills and tools provided were most helpful. Pre-Test preparations and worksheets were all provided and so necessary. The teachers and staff for the program were absolutely FANTASTIC then and remain FANTASTIC now. 2 Years later with all 3? s and 4? s on the EOGS taken and all A? s and B? s on her end of the year report card for school year 2010-2011, we are still with the program, dedicated to the efforts that it takes to raise a great Scholar! The teachers and staff of the S.T.A.R.S. program really care about our child and about our family and we are extremely grateful for everything they have done for us. The time and dedication they have given to help accelerate our child and so many other children is AMAZING! We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts. Keep doing what you do!
Thank You Thank You Thank You
The Sanders Family