High School Academy
The S.T.A.R.S High School (HS) Academy will:
- Assist students in grades 9-12 every Saturday. The student-to-teacher ratio will be 10-1, and the student-to-tutor ratio will be 2-1.
- Be located at the Ivory Baker Center and will run 22 Saturdays.
- Follow the S.T.A.R.S. Saturday Academy curriculum. It will focus on academic enrichment, one-on-one tutoring, and soft skills development.
Academic Enrichment Subjects
- Grammar and Punctuation
- Essay Writing
- Math I, II, III and IV
- Include soft skills development that will focus on preparing our students to become 21st century thinkers. Some of the discussion topics will be creative writing, note-taking, study skills, resume building, preparing for college interviews and money management.
- Follow a college preparatory curriculum.
- The main goal of the S.T.A.R.S. HS Academy is to help students prepare, finance and finish college.
- The S.T.A.R.S. management staff will work with a HS guidance counselor to ensure our HS students are taking the correct classes to get accepted into college, are academically prepared for college rigor, and be college and career ready.
- Yearly financial aid and scholarship workshops will aid our parents in the college application experience.
- Offer Boot Camps to prepare students for state End-Of-Course (EOC) tests and SAT exams.
- Be proactive in addressing every student’s academic deficiencies. Parents will be required to check
- PowerSchool weekly to get updated grades.
- Provide Saturday tutors to offer more personal assistance. Our aspiration is for each student to maintain at least a 3.2 GPA. As we know, the high school years are critical for future growth, so we must be conscientious in providing resources effectively so that students are successful.
- Help students find summer internships and possible careers. Career exploration will be a key component of the HS academy. Field trips to different companies will be a part of the curriculum.